After my JW- lifer ex divorced me I was given detailed instructions on how to find my next wife (volunteer for everything, especially at conventions and assemblies, pioneer, get a MS appointment, don't look for the ones "walking" the convention arena- look for the ones volunteering, etc...). My ex is reinstated now and is trying to take all the credit for our kids' spiritual upbringing (croc o' sh!t), so she's bribing my daughter to answer at the meetings (buys her ice cream, Webkins, etc...). Always told that pioneering is the only "right way" to serve Jehovah. Told that I can't use a riding mower to cut the grass at the KH because it's inferior to a push mower (more even cut lawn?) and Jehovah deserves the best. Told not to use light bulbs in the KH that have a "yellow" glow even though they are less expensive. There's more but I'm getting sick thinking of them. BTW, 90% of them came from the PO himself- such a "perfectionist" when it comes to everyone else, but doesn't hold himself to the same standards...
The Last Nephilim
JoinedPosts by The Last Nephilim
What specific ways were you pressured by family/ elders to be a perfect JW?
by cognac inone way i was pressured:.
people were gonna die if i didn't convert them....
(Doubting Thomas) Disfellowshipped?
by inbyathread inlistened to a nice sermon last sunday.
had many nice parts to it to think about but one point had me enthralled.. and occasionally, somebody skips the service.
that happens from time to time, right?
The Last Nephilim
Awesome post! I might use this line of reasoning when I'm interrogated this Saturday (shepherding call). To think that Thomas stood up to what is considered the GB of the 1st century and told them all they're basically full of crap and then he did not get disfellowshipped is awesome! We all know good and well that if any of us stood before the GB today and told them "I don't believe you", we'd be DF'd quicker than a card counter at a blackjack table! I love the fact that a week went by in- between!
The only angle I see the GB could take is that Jesus provided the proof that Thomas needed in order to believe, and so has the "FDS". After all, what more "proof" (failed predictions, changed doctrine) do we need that Jehovah is using the bORG as his FDS? -
Proof that WT literature is not needed...
by The Last Nephilim ini have recently come to fully appreciate what is stated at 2timothy 3:16, 17 (nwt).
it clearly declares that nothing is needed outside of the bible in order for a person be be "fully competent" and "completely equipped" for "every good work".
how can anyone, especially the wts, claim that the bible alone is not enough after reading these scriptures?
The Last Nephilim
I have recently come to fully appreciate what is stated at 2Timothy 3:16, 17 (NWT). It clearly declares that nothing is needed outside of the Bible in order for a person be be "fully competent" and "completely equipped" for "every good work". How can ANYONE, especially the WTS, claim that the bible alone is not enough after reading these scriptures? It doesn't say or imply "mostly competent" or "partially equipped" for "some good works". Folks, we are FULLY competent and COMPLETELY equipped for EVERY good work with the Bible alone!!! BTW, when my son was at his mother's house defending me (for my lack of meeting attendance), all he told her was to read these verses and said nothing else. After reading them, she paused and then told him that I had developed "apostate thinking"!!! Evidently, she got the gist of what these two verses were REALLY saying as well, which totally defies the bORG's insistence that we need it to understand the Bible and survive armageddon, hence her "programmed" response! Does anyone read these two verses any differently than I am?
What's more important??
by The Last Nephilim ini'm placing this into the "scandals and coverups" section for good reason, i think.
a few days ago i had an elder and one of "the anointed" come by to encourage my wife and i to "get back to the meetings before it's too late".
i proceeded to tell him a few of the reasons why i've lost confidence in the elders and the organization, and he retorted with a real- life example of how i need to see that although the "brothers" can make mistakes, it's best to accept it as "jehovah's will" and play along.
The Last Nephilim
I agree with Rachel- All they care about is saving face. And as far as Jehovah's name- I still wonder why, if that name is so important, Jesus never said it, nor is there any proof that anyone in the first century ever used it the way it's tossed around by JWs today! I never called my earthly father by his real name. I called him "Dad"... In fact, it is generally considered a sign of disrespect to call one's parents by their first name, is it not?
Memorial: Loaded language used to guilt inactive treading on Christ'
by truthseeker inoops!
accidentally clicked the post button before i finished the title.. well, just got back from the memorial.
the numbers were a third down for the second time in a row.
The Last Nephilim
What I found interesting about our memorial talk was that the brother went into how salvation is a free gift that can't be earned! I thought I was dreaming! A member of the anointed giving the memorial talk is actually saying that we can't earn our salvation, that it is a free gift of undeserved kindness!! I was drooling with anticipation that the next words out of his mouth would be that we are not required to go door to door...
Instead, he said that we have to be deemed "worthy" by Jah to receive it. How do we do that? By "exercising faith", which is to be actively seeking to do the things God wants us to do. Then- and only then- do we "qualify" for this "free" gift...
NO KIDDING!!! We can't earn it, but we have to do something first in order to be worthy to have it offered to us??? I don't see a difference there... That's like telling a prospective employee that an entry level job requires no prior experience, but during the interview you tell him that he has to work for a week before you can tell if he's "worthy" of getting the job!
Attendance was 197 this year. Can't remember what last year was, but I do remember that it was also below 200. In years prior we never had a problem packing well over 200 people in during the memorial. I was shocked that we didn't break 200 last year, but somewhat pleased that we didn't this year. Go figure... -
Memorial: Loaded language used to guilt inactive treading on Christ'
by truthseeker inoops!
accidentally clicked the post button before i finished the title.. well, just got back from the memorial.
the numbers were a third down for the second time in a row.
The Last Nephilim
What I found interesting about our memorial t
What's more important??
by The Last Nephilim ini'm placing this into the "scandals and coverups" section for good reason, i think.
a few days ago i had an elder and one of "the anointed" come by to encourage my wife and i to "get back to the meetings before it's too late".
i proceeded to tell him a few of the reasons why i've lost confidence in the elders and the organization, and he retorted with a real- life example of how i need to see that although the "brothers" can make mistakes, it's best to accept it as "jehovah's will" and play along.
The Last Nephilim
bigmouth, I remember that story, only it was a GB member. He told an older GB member to absolutely NOT touch anything on his desk. He arrived later to find his things rearranged neatly and was furious at the other GB member and gave him some counsel about minding his own business or respecting others or somesuch. Later, it was discovered that housecleaning had moved his stuff. He went back and apologized to the other GB member, asking why he didn't defend himself. The other brother just said, "Guilty or not, it was good counsel!"
Well, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not a "team player". I will NOT bend over and take it in the rear while the guilty parties are shown favoritism. -
What's more important??
by The Last Nephilim ini'm placing this into the "scandals and coverups" section for good reason, i think.
a few days ago i had an elder and one of "the anointed" come by to encourage my wife and i to "get back to the meetings before it's too late".
i proceeded to tell him a few of the reasons why i've lost confidence in the elders and the organization, and he retorted with a real- life example of how i need to see that although the "brothers" can make mistakes, it's best to accept it as "jehovah's will" and play along.
The Last Nephilim
bigmouth, I remember that story, only it was a GB member. He told an older GB member to absolutely NOT touch anything on his desk. He arrived later to find his things rearranged neatly and was furious at the other GB member and gave him some counsel about minding his own business or respecting others or somesuch. Later, it was discovered that housecleaning had moved his stuff. He went back and apologized to the other GB member, asking why he didn't defend himself. The other brother just said, "Guilty or not, it was good counsel!"
Well, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not a "team player". I will NOT bend over and take it in the rear while the guilty parties are shown favoritism. -
What's more important??
by The Last Nephilim ini'm placing this into the "scandals and coverups" section for good reason, i think.
a few days ago i had an elder and one of "the anointed" come by to encourage my wife and i to "get back to the meetings before it's too late".
i proceeded to tell him a few of the reasons why i've lost confidence in the elders and the organization, and he retorted with a real- life example of how i need to see that although the "brothers" can make mistakes, it's best to accept it as "jehovah's will" and play along.
The Last Nephilim
bigmouth, I remember that story, only it was a GB member. He told an older GB member to absolutely NOT touch anything on his desk. He arrived later to find his things rearranged neatly and was furious at the other GB member and gave him some counsel about minding his own business or respecting others or somesuch. Later, it was discovered that housecleaning had moved his stuff. He went back and apologized to the other GB member, asking why he didn't defend himself. The other brother just said, "Guilty or not, it was good counsel!"
Well, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not a "team player". I will NOT bend over and take it in the rear while the guilty parties are shown favoritism. -
What's more important??
by The Last Nephilim ini'm placing this into the "scandals and coverups" section for good reason, i think.
a few days ago i had an elder and one of "the anointed" come by to encourage my wife and i to "get back to the meetings before it's too late".
i proceeded to tell him a few of the reasons why i've lost confidence in the elders and the organization, and he retorted with a real- life example of how i need to see that although the "brothers" can make mistakes, it's best to accept it as "jehovah's will" and play along.
The Last Nephilim
bigmouth, I remember that story, only it was a GB member. He told an older GB member to absolutely NOT touch anything on his desk. He arrived later to find his things rearranged neatly and was furious at the other GB member and gave him some counsel about minding his own business or respecting others or somesuch. Later, it was discovered that housecleaning had moved his stuff. He went back and apologized to the other GB member, asking why he didn't defend himself. The other brother just said, "Guilty or not, it was good counsel!"
Well, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not a "team player". I will NOT bend over and take it in the rear while the guilty parties are shown favoritism.